Monday, July 16, 2012

South beach–Ruby Beach - FORKS- Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center Olympic National Park, WA – Port Angels, WA 160 miles

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Easy day today, had a big breakfast in front of the sea ,and left campground around 11:15am to Ruby beach, it is an ordinary beach with big rocks and waves rushed to wood, the stones on the beach are ground into a rounded and presenting a clean white.
We had lunch at FORKS town  where is the movie "Twilight City, "the story takes place, no wonder there's trees are long moss really suitable for the land of vampires living background.
Later we visited hurricane Ridge Visitor Center locates on top of the mountain, a great place to see mountains covered with snow and meet deer in parking area.  

We also went to the natural bridge area again where we visited in year 2008, time flies…

I could not remember where we stayed in year 2008, I just picked a hotel closes to the pier with nice view, 
we saw two local young people catching crabs on the pier.